Maps | карты уровней |
Items | перечень вещей |
Spells | список заклинаний |
First take the Cartag statue at location 01, then go to location 02 and take the Attache case, then to location 07 & 08 and learn the spells, then location 06 and take the Rune stone, then to location 09 and take the Folded sheet of Paper ( Music ).
Then go on to the 1st floor to location 15 and take the gem then go to location 12 & 14 and learn the spells. Then go to location 17 and talk to the ghost and take the bullet proof west, then take the plate at location 13.
Take the matchbox and burn the picture of Melchior at location 16. Go to location 18a ( go through the numbered doors in nummeric order ) and pick up the Phtark statuette. Then walk through the unnumbered door and go to the 7th door which will now be unlocked. Then go back to the Ground floor and place the Green Gem in the hollow in the neckless on the man at the painting, then go to the Skeleton dungeon level run fast straight ahead and beat the ZOMBIE to death, then go to location 19 ( press the buttons on the walls ) and learn the spell, then to location 20 and place the Folded sheet of Paper ( Music ) on the music stand.
Then go back to the Ground floor, and up to the 1st floor and up again to the 2nd floor where you go to location 25 and learns the spell then to location 23 and pick up the coin, and the circlet at location 24.
Then move on to the next coins at location 23a, 23b and 26. Then learn the spell at location 27 and go to the 3rd floor and take the heart at location 37.
Then get back to the 2nd floor and go to location 30 to take Scaruk figurine and to location 29 and learn the spell. Next you put on the straightjacket and go to location 28 to pick up the coin.
Now move on to the 3rd floor. First go to location 40 and place the Museum Plate with the inscription "Shuriken" on the stand. Then go to location 43 and learn the spell. After that go to location 32 and place the statues Cartag, Phtark and Scaruk on their stands and shoot em down with the spell "Flames of Desolation" then the Night Crawlers will be banished.
Now go to the Egyptian dungeon level. First go to location 22 and put the Ritual Robe on, then go to location 51 and learn the spell, then go to location 49 and learn the spell, then go to location 47 and pick up the Museum Plate in the middle sarcosphag, then go to location 48 and learn the spell there, then go to location 46 and pick up the Crystal Flute.
When you have been in every room on the dungeon level go to location 52 and put the Chinese coins into the slots ( one in each ), when you have put one coin in a slot, go to the wall on your right and press the buttom and the wall will disappear walk through and repeat it until you have put all 4 coins into the slots, when that's done the walls where the slots were disappears, then pick up the coins again and place em on the stands, then you have summoned the "Karsist" when that is done destroy his heart and he will die without fight.
Now go to the 1st dungeon level. Go to location 54 and learn the spell, then go to location 60 and pick up the Museum Plate, then go to location 58 to pick up Metal Crescent and then to location 59 to pick up japanese funeral urn. Then walk through the fake wall at location 57, then walk to location 56 and step on the trapdoor, then you will fall down on the 2nd dungeon level, from there go to location 61 and learn the spell, then go to location 66 and pick up the Katana, then go to location 63 and pick up the Astrolabe, then move on to location 62 and pick up the Museum Plate, after you have done that go to location 63a, walk through the door turn around and walk backwards, then all of a sudden your back on the 1st dungeon level.
Now go to the 3rd floor and place the Katana on the Daisho stand at location 41, then place the Japanese funeral urn on the stone stand in front of the Daisho stand, then put the Museum Plate with the inscription "Eye of Abhomet" on it's stand at location 39 and the plate with the inscrption "Demom mask" on it's stand at location 33, then take the Metal Crescent and place it on the broken Moon symbol, then it's possible to take the samurais' armor. Now go to the Egyptian dungeon level.
Grab the Astrolabe in one hand, go to location 50 and open the skylight and look through the Telescope.
Then "Alberoth" leaves the earth and the creatures that prevented you from passing them on the 2nd dungeon level will now be gone. Now go back to the 1st dungeon level and walk down the stairs in the North-West corner of the map, to the 2nd dungeon level. First go to location 64 and learn the spell then go to location 65 and pick up the Vanity Mirror. At locatin 67 there is a dimensional port to the Etheral plane, if you casts the spell "Dimensional Rift" on the rune.
Now go to the 3rd dungeon level. First you go to location 68 and learns the spell, then go to location 69 and hit the gong-gong then a creature will remove the fake wall at location 70 now walk through the fake wall at location 76 then go to location 74 and blow the Crystal Flute, then the Sea demom's Altar cracks, the take the Meteor fragment from the hole in the altar.
Now go to the 1st dungeon level. Got to location 55 and put the Vanity Mirror on the floor, where the ray of light hits the floor, then adjust it. Now an alien thing arises from the floor, put the Meteor Fragment into the hollow on the statue, then take it again, it has now been transformed to be "The Eye of Agla" KEEP IT !.
Now go to the Etheral plane and walk into the cube that sends you
to the Astral plane and walk by location 77 with "The Eye of Agla"
in your hand then go to location 78. NOW BE SURE TO BE FULLY
the fake wall at location 78 and kill the monster!