Ringwrath's Challenge Decks  

F - Spies and Traitors

Adunaphel, with Drake hazards
Starting Characters
   * Ciryaher w/ Foul-smelling Paste
   * Ostisen
   * Asternak w/ Blazon of the Eye
   * Dogrib
   * Mionid
   * Luitprand

Other Characters
   * Adunaphel the Ringwraith (x3)
   * Eradan
   * Layos
   * Nevido Smod
   * Orc Captain (x2)
   * Perchen


MP Sources
   * Dwarven Ring of Thelor's Tribe
   * Dwarven Ring of Thrar's Tribe
   * Red Book of Westmarch
   * Stinker
   * That's Been Heard Before Tonight (x2)
   * To Satisfy the Questioner (x2)
   * Woses of the Eryn Vorn [R]

Supporting Resources
   * A Nice Place to Hide (x3)
   * Bade to Rule
   * By the Ringwraith's Word
   * Deeper Shadow (x2)
   * Join With that Power
   * Least of Gold Rings (x2)
   * Not Slay Needlessly (x3)
   * Orc Quarrels (x2)
   * Ruse [R]
   * Secrets of Their Forging (x2)
   * Tokens to Show
   * Weigh All Things to a Nicety
   * Well-preserved

   * Bag End
   * Bandit Lair
   * Barad-dur
   * Beorn's House
   * Carn Dum
   * Dimrill Dale
   * Dol Guldur
   * Eagle's Eyrie
   * Edoras
   * Goblin-gate
   * Moria
   * Thranduil's Halls
   * The Worthy Hills [R]


   * Cave Worm (x3)
   * Cave-drake (x3)
   * Marsh-drake (x3)
   * Nameless Thing
   * Rain-drake (x2)
   * Slayer (x3)
   * True Fire-drake (x2)

   * An Unexpected Outpost (x2)
   * Doors of Night (x3)
   * From the Pits of Angband (x2)
   * Searching Eye
   * Summons from Long Sleep (x3)
   * Twilight (x2)


   * Crept Along Cleverly
   * Goblins of Goblin-gate
   * Orc Quarrels
   * Orcs of Moria
   * Piercing All Shadows (x2)
   * Poisonous Despair
   * Regiment of Black Crows
   * Sudden Call
   * Voices of Malice (x2)

   * Ambusher (x3)
   * Itangast Ahunt
   * Lure of Nature (x2)
   * Sand-drake
   * Twilight
   * True Cold-drake

G - Marauding Brood of Uglies

Dwar, with Wolf hazards
Starting Characters

   * Lieutenant of Morgul [R]
   * Muzgash
   * Lagduf w/ Foul-smelling Paste
   * Radbug w/ Foul-smelling Paste
   * Tros Hesnef

Other Characters

   * Dwar the Ringwraith (x3)
   * Burat
   * Orc Captain
   * Orc Veteran (x2)
   * Shagrat
   * Tuma
   * Wuluag


MP Sources

   * The Arkenstone
   * Black Mace (x3)
   * Burning Rick, Cot, and Tree (x2)
   * Gleaming Gold Ring
   * Grey Mountain Goblins
   * High Helm
   * Ice-orcs [R]
   * Orcs of Gundabad
   * Regiment of Black Crows (x2)

Supporting Resources

   * Bade to Rule
   * Bold Thrust (x3)
   * Crept Along Cleverly (x3)
   * Diversion
   * I'll Report You
   * Swarm of Bats
   * Swift Strokes (x3)
   * Thror's Map
   * Under His Blow (x3)


   * Carn Dum
   * Caves of ulund
   * Dale
   * Dancing Spire
   * Dol Guldur
   * Gold Hill
   * Gondmaeglom
   * Irerock
   * The Lonely Mountain
   * Minas Morgul
   * Moria
   * Mount Gundabad
   * Raider-hold



   * Ambusher (x2)
   * Dire Wolves (x3)
   * Giant Spiders (x3)
   * Wargs (x3)
   * Watcher in the Water (x3)
   * Wolves (x2)


   * An Unexpected Outpost (x2)
   * Doors of Night (x3)
   * Full of Froth and Rage (x2)
   * Searching Eye
   * Stay Her Appetite [R]
   * Twilight (x2)
   * Wake of War (x3)



   * Minor Ring
   * Orc Quarrels
   * Orcs of Moria
   * Orders from Lugbúrz
   * Piercing All Shadows (x2)
   * Regiment of Black Crows
   * Sable Shield
   * Sudden Call
   * Voices of Malice (x2)


   * Eärcaraxë Ahunt
   * Foolish Words (x2)
   * Nameless Thing (x2)
   * Rebel-talk (x2)
   * Stench of Mordor
   * Twilight

H - Stealthy Tribe

Hoarmurath, with Undead hazards
Starting Characters

   * Gorbag w/ Blazon of the Eye
   * Grishnakh
   * Ufthak [R] w/ Strange Rations
   * Lugdush
   * Ill-favoured Fellow

Other Characters

   * Hoarmurath the Ringwraith (x3)
   * Ill-favoured Fellow (x2)
   * Sly Southerner (x3)
   * Orc Tracker (x2)


MP Sources

   * The Arkenstone
   * Blasting Fire (x3)
   * Great Lord of Goblin-gate [R]
   * High Helm
   * Orcs of Moria
   * Sable Shield
   * Scroll of Isildur
   * Snaga-hai (x2)
   * Stinker
   * Vile Fumes (x3)
   * War-wolf (x3)

Supporting Resources

   * A Nice Place to Hide (x3)
   * Bade to Rule
   * Crept Along Cleverly (x2)
   * Orc Quarrels (x2)
   * Records Unread (x3)
   * Sneakin' [R]


   * Barad-dur
   * Carn Dum
   * Caves of ulund
   * Dead Marshes
   * Dol Guldur
   * Goblin-gate
   * Minas Morgul
   * Moria
   * Mount Doom
   * Mount Gram
   * Mount Gundabad
   * Sarn Goriwing
   * Shelob's Lair



   * Barrow-wight (x2)
   * Chill Douser (x3)
   * Ghouls (x3)
   * Stirring Bones (x3)
   * Wisp of Pale Sheen (x3)


   * An Unexpected Outpost (x2)
   * Choking Shadows
   * Doors of Night (x3)
   * Exhalation of Decay
   * The Moon Is Dead (x3)
   * Plague of Wights (x3)
   * Power Built by Waiting
   * Twilight (x2)



   * Black Mace (x2)
   * Crept Along Cleverly
   * Fell Rider
   * Orc Quarrels
   * Orcs of Mirkwood
   * Piercing All Shadows (x2)
   * Sudden Call
   * Voices of Malice (x2)


   * Ambusher (x3)
   * Foolish Words (x2)
   * Ghosts (x2)
   * Stench of Mordor
   * Twilight

I - Morgul Rallying Cry

Witch-king, with Roadblock hazards
Starting Characters

   * Orc Captain
   * Ill-favoured Fellow
   * Horseman in the Night w/ Blazon of the Eye
   * Orc Veteran
   * Orc Brawler
   * Orc Captain w/ Blazon of the Eye

Other Characters

   * The Witch-king (x3)
   * Orc Captain
   * Orc Tracker (x3)
   * Orc Brawler (x2)


MP Sources

   * Asdriags
   * Blasting Fire (x3)
   * Great Bats (x3)
   * Helm of Fear
   * Nurniags
   * Orcs of Ash Mountains
   * Orcs of Udun
   * Palantír of Minas Tirith
   * That Ain't No Secret (x3)
   * Uruk-hai [R]
   * Vile Fumes (x3)

Supporting Resources

   * Awaiting the Call (x2)
   * Fell Rider (x2)
   * Gifts as Given of Old (x2)
   * Records Unread
   * Under His Blow
   * Voices of Malice (x2)
   * Weigh All Things to a Nicety


   * Barad-dur
   * Carn Dum
   * Cirith Gorgor
   * Cirith Ungol
   * Dead Marshes
   * Dol Guldur
   * Minas Morgul
   * Minas Tirith
   * Moria
   * Mount Doom
   * Nurniag Camp
   * Sarn Goriwing
   * Shelob's Lair



   * Ambusher (x2)
   * Ghosts (x2)
   * Rain-drake (x3)
   * Slayer (x2)
   * True Fire-drake (x3)


   * An Unexpected Outpost (x3)
   * Doors of Night (x3)
   * Long Winter (x3)
   * Lure of Nature (x3)
   * Snowstorm [R]
   * Twilight (x2)
   * Withered Lands (x3)



   * Above the Abyss (x2)
   * Black Trolls
   * Crept Along Cleverly
   * Last Child of Ungoliant [R]
   * Sudden Call
   * Voices of Malice


   * Alone and Unadvised
   * Corsairs of Umbar (x2)
   * Cruel Caradhras
   * Eärcaraxë Ahunt
   * Foul Fumes (x2)
   * Ghosts
   * Nameless Thing (x2)
   * Scatha Ahunt
   * Stench of Mordor
   * Twilight

J - Seducing Nations of Men

Indur, with corruption & general creature hazards
Starting Characters

   * The Mouth [R] w/ Strange Rations
   * Horseman in the Night w/ Blazon of the Eye
   * Hador
   * Odoacer

Other Characters

   * Indur the Ringwraith (x3)
   * Orc Captain (x3)
   * Ill-favoured Fellow (x3)
   * Nevido Smod
   * Jerrek


MP Sources

   * The Arkenstone
   * Balchoth [R]
   * Corsairs of Rhun
   * Easterlings
   * Haradrim
   * High Helm
   * Palantír of Orthanc
   * Scroll of Isildur
   * Southrons
   * Stinker
   * Wain-easterlings

Supporting Resources

   * Bade to Rule
   * Bold Thrust (x3)
   * By the Ringwraith's Word
   * Crooked Promptings
   * Crept Along Cleverly (x2)
   * Orc Quarrels (x3)
   * Ready to His Will [R]
   * Secret Book (x3)
   * Tormented Earth (x3)
   * Voices of Malice


   * Barad-dur
   * Caves of ulund
   * Dol Guldur
   * Easterling Camp
   * Goblin-gate
   * Gondmaeglom
   * Isengard
   * Minas Morgul
   * Moria
   * Mount Gundabad
   * Raider-hold
   * Southron Oasis
   * The Wind Throne



   * Cave Worm (x2)
   * Corpse-candle (x3)
   * Ghosts (x2)
   * Marsh-drake (x2)
   * Sellswords Between Charters
   * Slayer (x2)


   * Alone and Unadvised (x3)
   * Covetous Thoughts
   * Dragon-sickness (x2)
   * Lure of Expedience (x3)
   * Lure of Nature (x3)
   * Lure of the Senses (x3)
   * Twilight (x2)
   * Weariness of the Heart



   * Crept Along Cleverly
   * Focus Palantír
   * Great Bats
   * Grey Mountain Goblins
   * Hold Rebuilt and Repaired
   * Orcs of Gundabad
   * Poisonous Despair
   * Piercing All Shadows
   * Regiment of Black Crows
   * Skies of Fire (x2)
   * Sudden Call
   * Voices of Malice (x2)


   * Covetous Thoughts
   * Lost in Free-domains (x2)
   * River (x2)
   * Twilight

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