Wizard's Challenge Decks
A - Stewards of Gondor
Saruman, with Orc & Troll hazards
Starting Characters
* Glorfindell II
* Anborn
* Fatty Bolger w/ Cram
* Sam Gamgee
* Adrazar w/ Horn of Anor
Other Characters
* Saruman (x3)
* Balin
* Haldir
* Ioreth
* Peath
* Theoden
MP Sources
* Glamdring
* Hauberk of Bright Mail (x2)
* Knights of Dol Amroth
* Men of Anfalas
* Men of Anorien
* Men of Lebennin
* Palantir or Orthanc
* Rangers of Ithilien
* Sapling of the White Tree
* Scroll of Isildur
* Treebeard
Supporting Resources
* And Forth He Hastened
* Concealment (x3)
* Dark Quarrels (x2)
* Dodge (x2)
* Great Ship [R]
* Halfing Strength (x2)
* Marvels Told (x3)
* Smoke Rings
* Stealth (x3)
* Dol Amroth
* Edhellond
* Edoras
* Glittering Caves
* Henneth Annun
* Isengard
* Isle of the Ulond
* Lond Galen
* Lorien
* Minas Tirith
* Moria
* Pelargir
* Rivendell
* Tolfalas [R]
* Wellinghall
* Bert
* Hobgoblins (x3)
* Little Snuffler
* Orc-guard
* Orc-lieutenant (x3)
* Orc-warband (x2)
* Orc-watch (x3)
* Tom
* William
* Alone and Unadvised (x2)
* An Unexpected Outpost (x2)
* Choking Shadows
* Doors of Night (x3)
* Minions Stir (x3)
* Twilight (x2)
* Two or Three Tribes Present
* Alatar
* Align Palantir
* Many Turns and Doublings
* Promptings of Widsom (x2)
* Rebuild the Town
* Riders of Rohan
* Vanishment
* The White Tree [R]
* Wizard's Laughter
* Wizard Uncloaked
* Call of Home
* Eärcaraxë Ahunt
* Incite Defenders
* Muster Disperses (x3)
* Rebel-talk (x2)
* Twilight
B - Release the Prisoners
Alatar, with corruption & Undead hazards
Starting Characters
* Elrond [R] w/ Cram
* Elladan
* Erkenbrand w/ Shield of Iron-bound Ash
* Orophin
Other Characters
* Alatar (x3)
* Balin
* Beretar
* Bofur
* Elrohir
* Gildor Inglorion
* Haldir
MP Sources
* Book of Mazarbul
* Goldberry
* Gollum
* Orcrist
* Rangers of the North
* Rescue Prisoners (x3)
* Scroll of Isildur
* Sword of Gondolin
* The Windlord Found Me
Supporting Resources
* The Cock Crows (x2)
* Crown of Flowers
* Dark Quarrels
* Dodge (x2)
* Escape
* Gates of Morning (x3)
* Many Turns and Doublings (x3)
* Muster
* Risky Blow (x3)
* Safe from the Shadow
* Vilya [R]
* Barrow-downs
* Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold
* Bree
* Carn Dum [R]
* Goblin-gate
* Grey Havens
* Isengard
* Lorien
* Lossadan Cairn
* Moria
* Mount Gram
* Mount Gundabad
* Old Forest
* Rivendell
* Zarak Dum
* Barrow-wight (x3)
* Chill Douser (x3)
* Corpse-candle (x3)
* Slayer (x3)
* Stirring Bones (x2)
* Alone and Unadvised (x3)
* Covetous Thoughts
* Dragon-sickness
* Lure of Expedience (x3)
* Lure of Nature (x3)
* The Moon Is Dead (x3)
* Twilight (x2)
* Blue Mountain Dwarves
* The Cock Crows
* Dark Quarrels (x2)
* Forewarned Is Forearmed
* Great-shield of Rohan
* Marvels Told
* Promptings of Wisdom
* Radagast
* Ambusher
* Corsairs of Umbar (x2)
* Foolish Words (x2)
* Ghosts (x2)
* The Ring's Betrayal
* Seized by Terror
* Veils Flung Away
* Twilight
C - Dwarven Quest
Pallando, with Animal hazads
Starting Characters
* Thorin II [R] w/ Cram
* Kili
* Dori
* Gloin
* Oin w/ Cram
Other Characters
* Pallando (x3)
* Balin
* Celeborn
* Fili
* Gildor Inglorion
* Boromir II
MP Sources
* Bow of Dragon-horn
* Book of Mazarbul
* Durin's Axe
* Enruned Shield
* Gollum
* Hauberk of Bright Mail
* Iron Hill Dwarves
* Magical Harp
* Men of Dorwinion
* Quickbeam
* Wormsbane [R]
Supporting Resources
* A Friend of Three (x2)
* Bounty of the Hoard
* Concealment (x3)
* Fellowship (x2)
* Great-road
* Hundreds of Butterflies
* Marvels Told
* Not at Home (x2)
* Risky Blow
* Smoke Rings
* Thror's Map
* The Dwarves Are Upon You! (x2)
* Lucky Search [R]
* Blue Mountain Dwarf-hold
* Buhr Widu
* Caves of ulund
* Dead Marshes
* Goblin-gate
* Grey Havens
* Iron Hill Dwarf-hold
* The Lonely Mountain
* Lorien
* Moria
* Ovir Hollow
* Rivendell
* Sarn Goriwing
* Shrel-Kain
* Wellinghall
* Giant Spiders (x3)
* Lesser Spiders (x3)
* Neeker-breekers (x2)
* Wargs (x2)
* Watcher in the Water (x3)
* Cave Worm (x3)
* Full of Froth and Rage (x3)
* River (x2)
* Wake of War (x2)
* Twilight (x2)
* Despair of the Heart (x3)
* Seized by Terror (x2)
* Blue Mountain Dwarves
* Gates of Morning (x2)
* Marvel's Told (x2)
* Not at Home
* Promptings of Wisdom (x2)
* The Old Thrush
* Saruman
* Covetous Thoughts (x2)
* Foolish Words (x2)
* Ghosts (x3)
* Lost in Free-domains
* Muster Disperses
* Twilight
D - Bargain Between Friends
Radagast, with Man hazards
Starting Characters
* Beorn w/ Black Arrow
* Gimli
* Legolas w/ Cram
* Halbarad
Other Characters
* Radagast (x3)
* Celeborn
* Haldir
* Huma
* Brand
* Elrohir
* Thranduil
MP Sources
* Beornings
* Bow of the Galadhrim
* Easterlings [R]
* Iron Hill Dwarves
* Men of Dorwinion
* Noble Hound (x2)
* Noble Steed (x3)
* Orcrist
* Torque of Hues
* Wood-elves
Supporting Resources
* And Forth He Hastened
* Dark Quarrels (x2)
* Flatter a Foe (x2)
* Forewarned Is Forearmed
* Marvels Told (x2)
* Muster
* New Friendship (x3)
* Risky Blow (x3)
* Vanishment (x2)
* Beorn's House
* Buhr Widu
* Dale
* Dead Marshes
* Easterling Camp [R]
* Edhellond
* Gobel Mirlond
* Iron Hill Dwarf-hold
* Lorien
* Moria
* Raider-hold
* Rhosgobel
* Rivendell
* Shrel-Kain
* Thranduil's Halls
* Abductor
* Ambusher (x3)
* Assassin [R]
* Brigands
* Corsairs of Umbar (x2)
* Ghosts (x3)
* Lawless Men (x3)
* Sellswords Between Charters (x3)
* Stout Men of Gondor
* Alone and Undvised (x2)
* Rank upon Rank (x3)
* Seized by Terror (x2)
* Thrice Outnumbered
* Tidings of Bold Spies (x2)
* Twilight (x2)
* Dark Quarrels
* Forewarned Is Forearmed
* Gandalf
* Gates of Morning (x2)
* Glamour of Surpassing Excellence (x2)
* Great-shield of Rohan
* Marvels Told
* Men of Dale
* Promptings of Wisdom (x2)
* Wain-easterlings
* Wizard's Laughter
* Corsairs of Umbar
* Horse-lords
* Itangast Ahunt
* Scorba Ahunt
* Seized By Terror
* Twilight
E - Return of the King
Starting Characters
* Aragorn II
* Arwen [R] w/ Star-glass
* Faramir w/ Elf-stone
* Annalena
Other Characters
* Gandalf (x3)
* Beretar
* Bergil
* Boromir II
* Forlong
* Imrahil
* Thranduil
MP Sources
* Glamdring
* Hauberk of Bright Mail
* Lesser Ring (x2)
* Magic Ring of Stealth
* Narsil
* Noble Steed (x2)
* Quickbeam
* Rangers of Ithilien
* Return of the King [R]
* Sword of Gondolin
* Tower Guard of Minas Tirith
Supporting Resources
* Beautiful Gold Ring (x3)
* Concealment (x3)
* Dark Quarrels (x2)
* Dodge (x2)
* Marvels Told (x2)
* Smoke Rings
* Stealth (x3)
* Thorough Search
* Bandit Lair
* Buhr Widu
* Dead Marshes
* Dol Amroth
* Edhellond
* Edoras
* Gladden Fields
* Haudh-in-Gwanur
* Henneth Annun
* Isengard
* Lorien
* Minas Tirith
* Moria
* Rivendell
* Wellinghall
* Ambusher (x2)
* Cave Worm (x3)
* Cave-drake (x2)
* Corsairs of Umbar
* Ent in Search of the Entwives (x3)
* Ghosts (x2)
* Marsh-drake (x2)
* Pukel-men [R]
* Rain-drake (x2)
* Sellswords Between Charters (x2)
* Foolish Words
* Lure of Expedience (x2)
* Nothing to Eat of Drink
* Power Built By Waiting
* Searching Eye
* Tidings of Bold Spies (x2)
* Twilight (x2)
* Dark Quarrels
* Gates of Morning (x2)
* Knights of Dol Amroth
* Marvels Told
* Pallando
* Promptings of Wisdom (x2)
* Riders of Rohan
* Alone and Unadvised
* Bairanax Ahunt
* Corsairs of Umbar
* Foolish Words
* Ghosts
* Incite Denizens
* Muster Disperses
* Nothing to Eat of Drink
* Searching Eye
* Sons of Kings
* Twilight
© Copyright by Dark Elf Ratranhif