Against the Shadow

Name  Rarity  Type  EUR
A Lie in Your Eyes R2 Hazard 2.00
Alatar the Hunter R2 Hazard 1.00
Alone and Unadvised C3 Hazard 0.20
Come at Need C2 Hazard 0.20
Durin's Folk C3 Hazard 0.20
Dwarven Travelers C3 Hazard 0.20
Early Harvest C2 Hazard 0.20
Enchanted Stream C3 Hazard 0.20
Fealty Under Trial C2 Hazard 0.20
FEAR! FIRE! FOES! C3 Hazard 0.20
Full of Froth and Rage C2 Hazard 0.20
Galadhrim C2 Hazard 0.20
Gandalf the White Rider R2 Hazard 2.00
Knights of the Prince R2 Hazard 2.00
Lady of the Golden Wood R2 Hazard 2.00
Lord of the Carrock R2 Hazard 2.00
Lord of the Haven R2 Hazard 2.00
Master of the House R2 Hazard 2.00
Near to Hear a Whisper R2 Hazard 3.00
One Foe to Breed a War R2 Hazard 2.00
Pallando the Soul-keeper R2 Hazard 2.00
Pilfer Anything Unwatched U1 Hazard 1.00
Power Built by Waiting C3 Hazard 0.20
Radagast the Tamer R2 Hazard 2.00
Returned Beyond All Hope C2 Hazard 0.20
Ride Against the Enemy C3 Hazard 0.20
Saruman the Wise R2 Hazard 2.00
Short Legs are Slow U3 Hazard 0.50
Slip Treacherously C3 Hazard 0.20
Steward's Guard C2 Hazard 0.20
Stout Men of Gondor C3 Hazard 0.20
Summons from Long Sleep C2 Hazard 0.20
Trolls from the Mountains C2 Hazard 0.20
Trouble on All Borders C2 Hazard 0.20
Turning Hope into Despair C3 Hazard 0.20
Unhappy Blows R2 Hazard 3.00
Will Shaken R2 Hazard 1.00
All the Bells Ringing U3 Hero Resource 0.50
Alliance of Free Peoples R2 Hero Resource 3.00
Angmarim R1 Hero Resource 12.00
Biter and Beater! C2 Hero Resource 0.20
Bow of the Galadhrim U2 Hero Resource 0.50
Drughu U3 Hero Resource 0.50
Farmer Maggot R1 Hero Resource 12.00
Glamour of Surpassing Excellence C3 Hero Resource 0.20
Haradrim R2 Hero Resource 1.00
Jewel of Beleriand C2 Hero Resource 0.20
Mount Slain R2 Hero Resource 1.00
No Strangers at this Time C3 Hero Resource 0.20
Nurniags R1 Hero Resource 12.00
Orc-mail R2 Hero Resource 3.00
Petty-dwarves R2 Hero Resource 1.00
Power Against the Shadow C3 Hero Resource 0.20
Safe from the Shadow C2 Hero Resource 0.20
Spies Feared R2 Hero Resource 1.00
The Ithil-stone R1 Hero Resource 12.00
The Sun Unveiled C3 Hero Resource 0.20
Tower Raided R2 Hero Resource 3.00
Wain-easterlings U2 Hero Resource 0.50
Woses of the Eryn Vorn U2 Hero Resource 0.50
Cirith Gorgor R2 Hero Site 2.00
Geann a-Lisch U2 Hero Site 0.50
Gobel Mirlond U2 Hero Site 0.50
Nurniag Camp U2 Hero Site 0.50
Raider-hold U2 Hero Site 0.50
The Worthy Hills U2 Hero Site 0.50
Burat U2 Minion Character 0.50
Mauhur R2 Minion Character 1.00
MŒonid U2 Minion Character 0.50
Perchen U2 Minion Character 0.50
Tuma U2 Minion Character 0.50
Wuluag U2 Minion Character 0.50
Above the Abyss C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Ancient Black Axe R2 Minion Resource 3.00
Angmarim R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Asdraigs U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Bairanax Roused R1 Minion Resource 12.00
Black Horse C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Black Numenoreans U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Corsairs of Rh–n U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Creature of an Older World R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Daelomin Roused R1 Minion Resource 12.00
Dark Tryst C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Driven As by a Madness U3 Minion Resource 0.50
Dwarven Ring of Thelor's Tribe U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Dwarven Ring of Thrar's Tribe U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Eye Never Sleeping U3 Minion Resource 0.50
E„rcarax‰ Roused R1 Minion Resource 12.00
Faithless Steward R2 Minion Resource 3.00
Far Below the Deepest Delvings U3 Minion Resource 0.50
Goblin Earth-plumb C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Great Bats C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Great Lord of Goblin-gate R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Hail of Darts R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Haradrim U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Helm of Fear U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Hoard Well-searched C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Hold Rebuilt and Repaired C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Hounds of Sauron R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Iron Shield of Old C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Itangast Roused R1 Minion Resource 12.00
Join With That Power C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Legendary Stair C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Leucaruth Roused R1 Minion Resource 12.00
Morgul-orcs R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Necklace of Girion R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Nuriags U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Old Treasure C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Orcs of Dol Guldur R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Orders from Lugb–rz U3 Minion Resource 0.50
Our Own Wolves R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Padding Feet R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Petty-dwarves R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Powers too Dark and Terrible R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Records Unread C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Regiment of Black Crows C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Riven Gate R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Sack Over the Head U3 Minion Resource 0.50
Secret Book C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Steeds R2 Minion Resource 2.00
The Ash Mountain Deeps C2 Minion Resource 0.20
The Balrog R2 Minion Resource 2.00
The Dark Power U3 Minion Resource 0.50
The Great Eye R2 Minion Resource 2.00
The Misty Mountain Deeps C2 Minion Resource 0.20
The Mountains of Shadow Deeps C2 Minion Resource 0.20
The Tormented Earth U3 Minion Resource 0.50
The Undeeps of Anduin C2 Minion Resource 0.20
The Under-roads C2 Minion Resource 0.20
The White Mountains Cavern-ways C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Thong of Fire R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Thrall-ring R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Thror's Map U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Tokens to Show C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Treason the Greatest Foe R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Tribute Garnered C2 Minion Resource 0.20
Troth-ring R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Use Your Legs R2 Minion Resource 1.00
Usriev of Treachery C3 Minion Resource 0.20
Wain-easterlings U2 Minion Resource 0.50
Well-preserved U3 Minion Resource 0.50
World Gnawed by the Nameless R2 Minion Resource 2.00
Dancing Spire U2 Minion Site 0.50
Eagles' Eyrie U2 Minion Site 0.50
Edhellond R2 Minion Site 2.00
Framsburg R2 Minion Site 1.00
Gold Hill U2 Minion Site 0.50
Grey Havens R2 Minion Site 1.00
Himring U2 Minion Site 0.50
Irerock U2 Minion Site 0.50
Isle of the Ulond U2 Minion Site 0.50
Isles of the Dead that Live U2 Minion Site 0.50
Lorien R2 Minion Site 1.00
Old Forest U2 Minion Site 0.50
Ovir Hollow U2 Minion Site 0.50
Rhosgobel R2 Minion Site 1.00
Rivendell R2 Minion Site 2.00
The Gem-deeps R2 Minion Site 2.00
The Iron-deeps U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Pukel-deeps R2 Minion Site 2.00
The Sulfur-deeps U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Under-courts U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Under-galleries U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Under-gates U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Under-grottos U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Under-leas U2 Minion Site 0.50
The Under-vaults U2 Minion Site 0.50
Tolfalas U2 Minion Site 0.50
Weathertop U2 Minion Site 0.50
Wellinghall U2 Minion Site 0.50

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