MECCG top 10 cards |
1) Vilya - Three copies of this card will do more to win you the game with minimal bother than any other three cards. The massive bonuses allow Elrond to rise to almost any tactical situation. And STrategically, no card gives you more versatility in manipulating cards. Recycle five resources you know you're going to draw!
2) Mouth of Sauron - The Mouth befits ANY hazards strategy. It can attack with minimal frequency of play as a 13/6 creature (ho-hum). Or it can be played as an event to bring any hazard from your discard pile to your hand (ouch!).
3) Shadow of Mordor - With the Shadow out, your opponent has two options: Draw normally, thus increasing his hazard limit, or slow his resource acquisition down to a crawl. Either way, it can cripple your opponent's carefully laid plans.
4) Pallando - As a Wizard, Pallando is already one of the most powerful cards in the game - but it's his ability to increase your hand size that pushes him to the No. 4 slot. Take my word for it, holding an extra card is real power!
5) Cave-drake - Probably the best cr eature in the game for raw combat impact, Cave-drake enjoys a relatively high frequency of play, and it hits hard with two strikes (chosing victims) at 10 prowess. Weak scout and sage types hate this creature.
6) Emerald of the Mariner - Three marshalling points from one card is good. A +1 to corruption checks while giving zero corruptino points itself is very good. Its mere possession allows you to hold an extra card in you hand? That's criminal.
7) Radagast - When he gets rolling, Radagast can do more than any other character to win the game fro you. Drawing an extra card for each Wilderness in your company's site path gives you more resource options than most hazard strategies can handle.
8) Fellowship - It's simple: Fellowship solves problems. Multiple Fellowships solve multiple problems. You can 'Fellowship-up' two or three times to create an awesome company. Your opponent will quickly realize that attacking is giving you free marshalling points.
9) The One Ring - What? How can this card NOT be the most powerful card in the game? It's indeed true that no resource, one in play, has a greater chance of single-handedly winning the game. But it's also true, thanks to the seven corruption points, that no resource has a better chance of single-handedly LOSING the game.
10) Uvatha the Horseman - Did you notice the Mouth of Sauron higher up on this list? Well, Uvatha's ability can be just as useful if it's a creature you're looking for. You can always just get back the Mouth to fetch whatever it is you need.