Thus throw your D6 seven times and add 1 to any result, so that you gain results in a range from 2 to 7 and split them up on the seven flaws. There is no such thing as a "bad" result to delete for flaws.
The virtues must be in the range of 8 to 13 and the flaws in the range of 2 and 8 after the exchange (remember: no superheroes with flaws you cannot manage to role-play !).
How tests on virtues are done, i.e. how you throw the dice, is explained in the preliminary rules. To remind you we will explain how you throw the dice when testing your flaws. You succeed in a dice roll if the number you roll on a D20 is less than your value. In this case, however, you succeeded in your flaw, i.e. your flaw forces its way to the surface and you will fail your test. That is when you succeed in a dice roll for a virtue your test result (i.e. the effects to be declared by the gamemaster) is positive, when you succeed in a dice roll for a flaw your test result (i.e. the effects) is negative.
Example: Reto has a CURIOSITY value of 7. Testing his CURIOSITY he throws his D20. If he throws a value in-between 1 and 7 his CURIOSITY test suceeded, i.e. he will so curious as to open up the secret box, although he has the feeling there is going to be something terribly wrong.
The day of birth is not of the same interest as the moon but for the sake of destiny, let the rules be your guidance.
Note: The Twelve are not dependent on the faith of the individual hero to spread their special powers. A warrior born in the month of Hesinde (pronounced: Hasinda), the goddess of art, science and magic), will, most of the times, worship Rondra, the war goddess, despite the birth present. It is not even essential that the hero herself knows the birth date, but is an advantage if the player knows it.
The essence of flawsSUPERSTITION: The belief of symbols of any kind (from black cats to red hair or even ghosts in the light of day) as well as to divine remedies, talismans and prophecies.FEAR OF HEIGHT: Dizzy feelings in relatively low altitudes; fear of climbing onto steep cliffs and to look into a steep valley. AGORAPHOBIA: Constriction, fear and incapacity to act ranging to panic in narrow, dark caves and gaps as well as in crowded rooms or market places. NECROPHOBIA: Fear of everything dealing with death and dying, in front of all burial sites, graves, Boron priests, but as well fresh dead bodies and panic when faced with the undead. CURIOSITY: Well, sort of the basic definition of an adventurous spirit, but unhealthy if too much of it, the bad attribute to topple into any danger when faced with new and exciting things. GREED: A hero will forget everything around him when gold, silver or emeralds shine around him or a fulfilled task will give him lots of money, at high values they even try to steal precious artefacts or rob their fellow heroes. IRASCIBLITY: The tendency to overreact when provoked, choleric behaviour, the hero tends to get into a fight quickly. |